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更新時間:2017-05-24      點擊次數(shù):1929



Category: Elisa Kits

The Almond (Prunus dulcis L.) belongs to a group of foods, commonly referred to as “tree nuts”

This group of foods is a significant source of allergens and Almonds are a common cause of food allergy. Consequently, there is a need for a sensitive and reliable test for the detection of specific tree nut allergens in foods. Any such test must be able to detect a heat stable protein component, otherwise false negative results could occur with samples that have been highly heat treated.

A specific Almond protein was identified from high temperature treatments to be very heat stable and is used as the Almond protein indicator for the ELISA SYSTEMS Almond Residue ELISA.
Food manufacturers protect those with food allergies by clearly labelling their products with a list of ingredients. Testing for the presence of components ensures food manufacturers that an unlabelled and potentially dangerous ingredient did not make its way unintentionally into a product during manufacture.

Intended Use

The ELISA SYSTEMS Almond Residue assay is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that may be used to screen food products for the presence of Almond material caused by cross-contamination with Almond products and residues. This assay is a rapid and reliable test that significantly reduces the time required to screen food products for the presence of Almond residues.

Assay Principles

The ELISA Systems Almond Residue Detection Kit™ is based on the sandwich
enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay format. The food sample is first
subjected to a 15 min extraction procedure and then assayed by ELISA
method for the presence of almond allergens. The results may be quantified
by comparing the test results against results obtained from protein standards
supplied in the kit.

Performance Characteristics

Range of Quantification: 0.5 – 5.0 ppm
Sample Preparation Time: ~15 min
Test period: ~35 min


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