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ESLFP-48 羽扇豆過敏原檢測試劑盒說明書

更新時間:2017-05-24      點擊次數(shù):1754



Category: Elisa Kits

Lupin refers to a range of plants in the genus Lupinus which are members of the legume (Fabaceae) family.  Lupins have been commonly used as food throughout Europe since the Roman age. In recent years, flour produced from lupin seeds has become increasingly popular as an ingredient in a wide variety of foods as an alternative to wheat flour. Lupins are also commonly grown for use in stock feed. The most commonly c*ted lupins for food use are the white lupin (L. albus), the blue lupin (L. angustifolius) and the yellow lupin (L. luteus).

The incidence of lupin allergy is significantly higher in individuals with peanut allergy1, but may also be present in individuals with no sensitivity to peanut 2,3.

Allergic reaction to lupin ranges from oral allergy syndrome to severe anaphylactic reactions.

Lupin and products thereof are declarable allergens in the EU according to directive 2006/142/EC.

This kit detects the three most common species used in food production: L. albus,L. angustifolius, andL.luteus.

Intended Use

The ELISA Systems Lupin Residue assay is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that may be used to screen food products and environmental samples for the presence of Lupin material.

Standards Supplied

0, 0.50, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 ppm (mg/kg) Lupin Flour Protein.

Please note: A special extraction solution is required for samples containing Polyphenols, including Dark Chocolate, Wine, Fruit Juices, Herbs, and Tannins. (Product code: ESADDSOL)


1. Shaw, J., Roberts, G., Grimshaw, K., White, S., and Hourihane, J.   Lupin allergy in peanut allergic children and teenagers. Allergy 2008; 63: 370-373
2. Brennecke, S., Becker, W.M., Lepp, U., and Jappe, U.   Anaphylactic reaction to lupine flour. J. Dtsch. Dermatol. Ges. 2007; 5: 774-776
3. Smith, W.B., Gillis, D., and Kette, F.E.   Lupin: a new hidden food allergen. Medical J. Aust. 181: 219-220

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