Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) |
PRO-C1 | Internal epitope in the N-terminal pro-peptide of type I collagen | 50 |
PRO-C2 | Released N-terminal pro-peptide of type II collagen | 50 |
PRO-C3 | Released N-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen | 50 |
PC3X | Cross-linked N-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen | 50 |
iP3NP | Internal epitope in the N-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen | 50 |
PRO-C4 | Internal epitope in the 7S domain of type IV collagen | 50 |
PRO-C5 | Released C-terminal pro-peptide of type V collagen | 50 |
PRO-C6 | C-terminal of released C5 domain of type VI collagen α3 chain (endotrophin) | 50 |
PRO-C8 | C-terminal of type VIII collagen | 50 |
PRO-C10 | C-terminal of type X | 50 |
PRO-C11 | Released N-terminal pro-peptide of type XI collagen | 50 |
PRO-C16 | C-terminal of Type XVI collagen | 50 |
PRO-C18 | N-terminal type XVIII collagen | 50 |
PRO-C18L | N-terminal of the type XVIII collagen medium and long isoforms | 50 |
PRO-C19 | C-terminal of type XIX collagen | 50 |
PRO-C23 | C-terminal of type XXIII collagen | 50 |
PRO-C28 | C-terminal of type XXVIII collagen | 50 |
Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) |
C1M | Neo-epitope of MMP-2,9,13 mediated degradation of type I collagen | 50 |
C2M | Neo-epitope of MMP mediated degradation of type II collagen | 80 |
T2CM | Neo-epitope of MMP-1 and -13 mediated degradation of type II collagen | 50 |
C3M | Neo-epitope of MMP-9 mediated degradation of type III collagen | 50 |
urine C3M | Neo-epitope of MMP-9 mediated degradation of type III collagen | 50 |
C3A | Neo-epitope of ADAMTS-4,5 mediated degradation of type III collagen | 50 |
C3C | Neo-epitope of cathepsin-B,L,S mediated degradation of type III collagen | 50 |
C4M | Neo-epitope of MMP-2,9,12 mediated degradation of type IV collagen alpha 1 chain | 50 |
C4Ma3 | Neo-epitope of MMP-2,9,12 mediated degradation of type IV collagen alpha 3 chain | 50 |
TUM | MMP-9 mediated release of tumstatin from type IV collagen alpha 3 chain | 50 |
urine C4M | Neo-epitope of MMP-2,9,12 mediated degradation of type IV collagen alpha 1 chain | 50 |
C4G | Neo-epitope of granzyme B mediated degradation of type IV collagen | 50 |
C5M | Neo-epitope of MMP-2,9 mediated degradation of type V collagen | 50 |
C6M | Neo-epitope of MMP-2 mediated degradation of type VI collagen | 50 |
C6Ma3 | Neo-epitope of MMP-9 mediated degradation of type VI collagen | 50 |
C7M | Neo-epitope of type MMP-13 mediated decradation of type VII collagen | 50 |
C10C | Neo-epitope of cathepsin-K mediated decradation of type X collagen | 50 |
Col10NC | Neo-epitope of the NC domain of type X collagen | 50 |
CTX-I | Neo-epitope of cathepsin mediated degradation of type I collagen | 50 |
CTX-II (Urine) | Neo-epitope of MMP mediated degradation of type II collagen | 100 |
CTX-III | Cross-linked type III collagen C-terminal telopeptide | 50 |
Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) | |
| 50 | |
| 80 | |
ELM12 |
| 50 | |
ELM7 |
| 50 | |
| 50 | |
ELP-3 | Neo-epitope of proteinase-3 mediated degradation of elastin | 50 |
Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) |
PRO-FIB | Neo-epitope of thrombin mediated degradation of fibrinogen | 50 |
X-FIB | Neo-epitope of plasmin mediated degradation of cross-linked fibrin (sandwich assay) | 80 |
FXIIIAP | Neo-epitope of thrombin mediated degradation of transglutaminase FXIII | 50 |
vWF-A | Neo-epitope of ADAMTS13 mediated degradation of von willebrand factor | 50 |
vWF-N | Released N-terminal pro-peptide of von willebrand factor | 50 |
F1.2/F2 | Neo-epitope of Fxa/Fva mediated degradation of prothrombin | 50 |
F1 | Neo-epitope of thrombin mediated degradation of prothrombin | 50 |
| Neo-epitope of plasmin mediated degradation of fibrin | 50 |
Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) |
a-SMA | Acetylated N-terminal of alpha-smooth muscle actin | 50 |
BGM | Neo-epitope of MMP-9,12 mediated degradation of biglycan | 50 |
DCN-CS | Cathepsin S mediated decorin degradation | 50 |
HSP47-C | C-terminal of heat shock protein-47 | 50 |
LAM | Neo-epitope of MMP-9 mediated degradation of laminin alpha 5 chain | 50 |
LG1M | Neo-epitope of MMP-9 mediated degradation of laminin gamma 1 chain | 50 |
MIM | Neo-epitope of MMP-9,12 mediated degradation of mimecan | 50 |
NIC | Neo-epitope of cathepsin-S mediated degradation of nidogen | 50 |
SPARC-M | Neo-epitope of MMP mediated degracation of SPARC | 50 |
TIM | Neo-epiotpe of MMP-12 mediated degradation of titin (Cardiac isoform) | 50 |
TIM-2 | Specific fragment of MMP-12-mediated degradation of titin (Muscle isoform) | 50 |
VCANM | Neo-epitope of MMP-8,12 mediated degradation of versican | 50 |
VICM | Neo- epitope of MMP-2, 8 and trypsin mediated degradation of citrullinated vimentin | 50 |
ARGS | N-terminal epitope of Aggrecanase mediated degradation of aggrecan | 50 |
FBN-C | C-terminal of fibronectin
| 50 |
CPa9-HNE | Neo-epitope fo human neutrophil elastase (HNE) mediated degradatib if calprotectin
| 50 |
PROM | Neo-epitope of MMP-1 and -13 mediated degradation of prolargin | 50 |
uPerla | Neo-epiotpe of ADAMTS mediated degradation of perlecan | 50 |
exAGNxI | Neo-epitope of aggrenase mediated aggrecan | 50 |
exFFGV | Neo-epitope of MMP mediated aggrecan | 50 |
BREM | Brevican degraded by MMPs | 50 |
BREV-A | Neo-epitope of ADAMTS-4 mediated degradation of brevican | 50 |
n-BREV | N-terminal of brevican | 50 |
TAU-A | Neo-epitope of ADAM-10 mediated degradation of TAU | 50 |
TAU-C | Neo-epitope of caspase-3 mediated degradation of TAU | 50 |
exMMP3 | Activated MMP-3 | 50 |
acCAT-K | Activated Cathepsin K | 50 |
acMMP-9 | Activated MMP-9 | 50 |
acMMP-13 | N-terminal of active MMP-13 | 50 |
acADAMTS4 | N-terminal of active ADAMTS-4 | 50 |
acADAMTS5 | N-terminal of active ADAMTS-5 | 50 |
COMP-N | N-terminal of COMP | 50 |
SPARC-C | C-terminal of SPARC | 50 |
AGR-N | N-terminal of agrin | 50 |
FBN-EDA | Neo-epitope of MMP-8 mediated degradation of cellular fibronectin (EDA domain) | 50 |
FMODM | Fibromodulin degraded by MMP-12 | 50 |
Assay name | Assay description | Volume required (uL) |
GDF-8 | Myostatin (growth/differentiation factor 8) | 150 |
IL-6 | Interleukin-6 | 250 |
FMODM | Fibromodulin degraded by MMP-12 | 50 |
Ostase BAP | Bone-specific Alkaline Phosphatase ELISA | 100 |
PIIANP | Type IIA Collagen N-Propeptide (PIIANP) ELISA | 10 |
C-P-Tau (181P) | Phosphorylated Tau (P181) | 50 |
C-β-Amyloid (1-42) | Amyloid Beta 1-42 | 50 |
HCG | Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy test) | 10 |
PTH, intact | Parathyroid hormone | 50 |
S-Free T4 | thyroxine | 15 |
S-Testosterone | testosterone | 20 |
S-Total T3 | Total triiodothyronine | 30 |
S-TSH | thyroid stimulating hormone | 50 |
Total PINP | N-terminal pro-peptide of type I collagen | 20 |
Anti-CCP | Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies | 15 |
Anti-HCV | Antibodies to hepatitis C virus | 50 |
HBsAg II | Hepatitis B surface antigen | 50 |
HIV combi PT | HIV-1 P24 antigen, antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2 | 40 |
HIV-Ag | HIV-1 P24 antigen group M and O | 50 |
Insulin | Insulin | 20 |
S-Albumin | Albumin | 2 |
S-ALAT | Alanine transaminase | 25 |
S-ASAT | Aspartate transaminase | 25 |
S-Bilirubin | Total billirubin | 14.3 |
S-Calcium | Serum calcium | 16 |
S-Cholesterol | Serum cholesterol | 4 |
S-Creatinine | Serum creatinine | 24 |
S-GGT | Gamma-glutamyltransferase | 10 |
S-Glucose | Glucose | 3.4 |
S-protein | Total serum protein | 17.5 |
S-Urea | Serum urea | 7 |
S-HDL Cholesterol | Serum HDL cholesterol | 5 |
S-LDL Cholesterol | Serum LDL cholesterol | 5 |
Urine Calcium | Urine calcium | 16 |
Urine Creatinine | Urine Creatinine | 24 |
Urine Phosphat | Urine Phosphat | 8 |
S-Phosphat | Serum phosphat | 8 |
S-Magnesium | Serum magnesium | 12 |
S-Lipase | Serum lipase | 3 |
S-Amylase | Serum amylase | 16 |
S-LDH | Serum LDH | 14 |
S-CO2 | Serum CO2 | 6 |
ELF | 65 |